May 14, 2019

The Citizenship Interview

When you apply for U.S. citizenship (apply for naturalization), you must meet certain eligibility criteria, and you must pass an examination and attend an interview with an officer from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This interview serves several purposes, as it allows the officer to go over all the information on your citizenship application, test your U.S. knowledge and English skills, and generally make a decision regarding your eligibility for citizenship. Expect the officer to review the substance of your application during the interview.

What Should You Expect?

When you get to the location of your interview, you will likely have to wait in the lobby with other people until an officer calls your name. You will likely be led to their office, where they will administer an oath that you will tell the truth during the interview. The officer will then begin looking at your application and begin asking you questions about the answers and information you provided. Not only are they confirming your answers but they are also taking this opportunity to observe your ability to understand and speak in English. As part of the interview process, you will also take a written test regarding your English skills and knowledge of the U.S., including questions about history and civics.

How Did you Get Your Green Card?

We are seeing an increasing trend of officers inquiring about the Applicant’s green card during the citizenship interview. Often Applicant’s do not expect this line of questioning, some received their green cards decades ago and do not remember many details, others are very surprised and mix up important details.

 Be prepare to answer questions about how you received your green card.  Questions like: “How did you get your green card?”, “Who petitioned you?”, Did you work with the Employer that petitioned for you?”, “Are you still married to the spouse that petitioned you?”. If you are concerned about this line of questioning or the process leading to your green card was  especially challenging, we recommend having an attorney attend the interview with you.

There should be no surprises during your citizenship interview, as you should have the help of an immigration lawyer in Orange County who will ensure you are fully prepared. An attorney can tell you what exactly to expect, as well as ask practice questions since the actual interview can be nerve-wracking for many people.

Contact an Immigration Lawyer in Orange County for Help

While interviews may seem intimidating, they are a standard – and required – part of obtaining U.S. citizenship. If you would like to discuss applying for citizenship, call an Orange County immigration attorney

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